The Booking Summary gives a quick overview of your Booking. It also gives access to all aspects of the Booking and its components.
Booking Summary Header
From here you will be able to change/update:
Booking Name
Booking Dates
Deal Value
Booking Status
Pipeline Status
Make the booking recurring
Use the Action dropdown to perform these changes on the booking:
Booking Summary Fields
These are the Contacts associated with the Booking. You can have multiple contacts attached to a Booking; but only Primary Contact details merge into Documents, Invoices, or Reports.
In simple terms, an Account is a company or corporation. Accounts are usually used as a company associated with a Booking for a corporate Event.
Travel Agent
A Travel Agent is a type of Account. This can be added from the Account Page or to an existing Booking.
Additional Information
Here you will be able to update:
Referral Source
Booking Type
Revenue Summary
This section will show a summary of Guestroom Revenue and Menu Items' Revenue.
Booking Summary Sub-Tabs
The details area will show the following sections:
Information about a group/room block will be shown in this area. It will include room nights and revenue blocked and the pick-up.
The events for the Booking will be listed here. From this section, you will be able to create and manage your events.
Other Fields
All customized fields will be shown in this area, there are some custom fields already available and you can also add custom fields from this section.
In this section, you can add any notes for the Booking, please keep in mind that these notes are not able to be shown in documents.
You can add new Tasks and Manage your tasks from this section. Tasks related to the Booking will be shown here by their due date. Common tasks include phone calls, meetings, skype appointments, etc.
You are able to send new emails relating to the Booking from this section. You are also able to see all of the Booking's email threads from this sub-tab.
Menu Items
Menu items are any revenue-related items in your Booking, Menu Items added to events will appear here as well as stand-alone items added to the Booking.
All payments and deposits that are received on the Booking will be listed here.
All of the Documents relating to the Booking (BEOs, Contracts, Proposals, etc) will be found here.
Invoices generated for clients will be listed here
Any files that you may have that are related to this Booking that you would like to make available for your team can be uploaded here.
βPackages (Profesional Plan Feature)
Packages are a feature of the Event Temple PRO plan which allows you to pre-build Events & Menu Items together.
βWorkflows (Profesional Plan Feature)
Workflows are a feature of the Event Temple PRO plan which allows you to trigger a series of tasks automatically for a Booking.
Important Considerations about Booking Summary
Most sections in the Booking Summary will allow you to Add, Edit, or Delete. Our recommendation is to work from the Booking to guarantee that all information is linked accurately.
Additional Information