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How to add, manage and plan Events

Updated over 6 months ago

If you are a hotel or venue that hosts events or meetings, this lesson will explain our core functionality for selling, managing, and planning Events.

Please note that in Event Temple you create a Booking first, then add Events to the Booking.

Options When Adding An Event

Field Name



Event Name

The name of the Function/Event

Nike Breakfast Meeting


The meeting room in which the Event is taking place

Boardroom 1

Start Date

The first day of the Event

Uncheck the "All day" box to add a start time to your date

Jul 21, 2021

End Date

The last day of the Event

Uncheck the "All day" box to add an end time to your date

Jul 21, 2021


The Sales status of the Event. This will default to the Status of the Booking


Event Setup Style

How the room will be set-up for the Event.

These field values are managed by your Account Administrator


Event Type

The type of Event that your team is hosting.

These field values are managed by your Account Administrator



The number of attendees expected at the event



The number of attendees the Client has committed to paying for



The number of attendees that are confirmed to attend



The number of attendees that the Event tables should be set for



Any additional Notes you would like to add to the Event. These can be merged into your Docuemtns/ BEOs.

Many of the fields listed above can be merged into your Documents/BEOs.

How to add an Event

  1. Open the Booking you wish to add an Event to

  2. Scroll down to the Events section of the Booking Summary screen

  3. Click Add Event

  4. Input the Event Information

  5. Click Save and Close

Menu Items on Events

Adding Menu Items to an Event

Please note that when creating an Event you will have to first save an event to be able to add menu items.

  1. Open the Event you wish to add a menu item to

  2. Click Add Item or Add Multiple Items

  3. Choose the menu you want to select items from the drop-down and click save

  4. The menu will populate and you can select the item and quantity to add to the event and click save

    1. If you don’t want to add an item to the event, just leave the quantity blank.

Editing Menu Items on an event

  1. Open the Event you wish to edit a menu item to

  2. Scroll down to the Menu Items

  3. Click the blue pencil on the left-hand side of the item name

  4. Make the required changes

  5. Click Save

Please note that from the Main Menu Item panel you can:

  • Drag and drop items to change the order

  • Add a serving time

  • Change the Item Category

Batch Actions for Events

This option will allow you to Update, Clone, or Delete a group of events at once.

You will be able to update:

  • Name

  • Status

  • Attendees - Expected

  • Attendees - Guaranteed

  • Attendees - Actual

  • Attendees - Set

Important Considerations about Events

  • There isn't a specific Event Task, but you can add it to the associated Booking. Simply click on the Task Tab inside the booking to add your Event Tasks. You can also use Workflows to manage your events.

  • You can also copy Events, to get information on how to do this please check the related article about cloning events.

  • Clicking on the Events heading in the left-hand sidebar will take you to the Events List, which shows a list of all Events.

  • Clone an Event one by one using the action button, or Clone multiple Events at once using the checkboxes!

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