Related Questions:
How to make changes to a Menu Item that already exists on my Booking/Event?
Edit an already existing items on an Invoice
Make changes to Menu Items on a BEO
Revise items associated with my Events
Can I batch update Menu Items?
Event Temple Web App
Like many things in Event Temple, there is more than one way to edit Menu Items that already exist within a Booking depending on your processes & where you happen to be in the system.
From the Booking Summary
This is the most popular way, as you can manage all Menu Items, regardless of which Event or Invoice they belong to.
Access the Booking that has Menu Items associated with it
Click on the Menu Items Sub-tab on the Booking Summary screen
Find the Menu Item you wish to edit
Click the Pencil/Edit Icon on the left-side of the line item
Make the changes you desire
Click Save
This option is especially helpful if you need to update multiple Menu Items at once. From here, you can batch update:
Serving Time
Price & Tax Included Price
From the Event List on Booking Summary
This option is great if you're working within a specific Event
Access the Booking that has Menu Items associated with it
Scroll to the Events section of the Booking
Find the Event that has the Menu items you wish to edit
Click the dropdown arrow on the right-hand side of the line item
Select Edit form the dropdown
Find the Menu Item you wish to Edit
Click the Edit/Pencil Icon on the left-hand side of the line item
Make the changes you desire
Click Save and Close
From Invoice Edit Screen
This is helpful when working from within an Invoice. Invoiced Menu items are shared with the Booking, meaning any changes made to an item from the Invoice will automatically update on the Booking/Event, and vise versa.
Access the Invoice that has the Menu Item you wish to Edit
Scroll down the Invoice to the Menu Item you wish to edit
Click the Edit/Pencil Icon on the left-hand side of the line item
Make the changes you desire
Click Save
Additional Information
Keep in mind, that some parts of a Menu Item can be edited 'in line' meaning you can simply click on it in order to update it.
Even More, ways to edit Menu Items!
From the Document Edit Screen (though Events)
Open the Document that has Menu Items associated with it
Click on the Linked Events listed in the section at the top of the Document to expand that section
Find the Event that has the Menu Items you wish to Edit
Click the Edit/Pencil Icon on the right-hand side of the Menu Item
Find the Menu Item you wish to Edit
Click the Edit/Pencil Icon on the left-hand side of the line item
Make the changes you desire
Click Save
From the Event List View
Click Events from the left-hand sidebar of Event Temple
Find the Event that has the Menu items you wish to edit
Click the dropdown arrow on the right-hand side of the line item
Select Edit form the dropdown
Find the Menu Item you wish to Edit
Click the Edit/Pencil Icon on the left-hand side of the line item
Make the changes you desire
Click Save and Close