Connect Event Temple to Zapier
Connect Event Temple to Zapier
Please note if you are in a Multi Org; you will need Chain Authorization to be able to access the API Keys in Event Temple.
Go to Zapier's signup page to create an account (or sign in to your existing account)
From within the Zapier interface, click on My Apps on the left-hand sidebar
Click on the Connect a new account search bar
Search for "EventTemple"
Click on EventTemple from the dropdown
A new window will expand, click the link in the dialogue ( to redirect to Event Temple.
In Event Temple, go to Settings -> Developers -> API Keys
If you're part of a Chain, go Chain -> Settings -> Developers -> API Keys
Click on the New API Token button
Enter a name and click Create API Key
Click on the Copy to Clipboard Button at the right-hand side of the new token that was generated in the list.
Return to Zapier and paste the API token in the text fields.
Click Yes, Continue.
How to Setup a Zap
How to Setup a Zap
In the following example, we are setting up a Zap that will create a new Lead when a new email is received.
Step 1 - Set up your Trigger
This is the initial action that will trigger an automation. In this case, we are selecting When a new email is received in gmail, but the process will be much the same for other apps forwarding emails.
To do this:
Click + Create
Select Zaps
Click on the Trigger step
Search for the App that will trigger the automation and click on it in the list (in this case it is Gmail)
Go through the steps to select your parameters and test the step
Click Continue with selected record to move on to the next step
Step 2 - Set up your Actions
These are the actions that will be taken in your second application (Event Temple) after your trigger event occurs.
To do this:
Search for the App that will trigger the automation and click on it in the list (in this case it is EventTemple)
Fill out the parameters as needed (In this example, we have set all leads generated by this Zap to arrive in my New Lead pipeline)
Test the step
Click Publish - your Zap is now live!
Important Considerations
Important Considerations
To see the Developers Settings, you must be in the Chain settings.
Zapier is a separate company and software from Event Temple. Any questions regarding Zapier functions are better directed to Zap's support. Follow this link to find all the information regarding Zapier Integrations for Event Temple.