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How do I change my Document Template to make them Chain-Wide?
How do I change my Document Template to make them Chain-Wide?
Updated over a week ago

Related Questions:

  • Why Isn't my Document Template visible in my other Organization?

  • Can I copy my Document Templates from one Organization to another?


  1. Click on your Organization name at the top right of your screen

  2. Press Multi-Organization

  3. In the left-hand Menu, Click on Settings

  4. Click on Templates, Document Templates

  5. Change the Organization Filter to where the Document Template is Located

  6. Click on the Edit button on the right-hand side next to the Document Template you want to show Chain-wide

  7. At the top-left of your screen, next to Permission, click on the Organization name, and set the Permission to Chain

  8. Press Save

Additional Information:

  • Organization-level Templates are visible to everyone in a specific Organization and are editable by the Template Owner and Organization Administrators only.

  • Chain-level Templates are visible to everyone in the Chain and are Editable by Chain Administrators only.

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