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What Are Revenue Categories and How Can I Edit Them?
What Are Revenue Categories and How Can I Edit Them?
Updated over a week ago

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  • How do I add a Revenue Category

  • What is a Revenue Group?

  • How can I edit a Revenue Category?

  • How can I delete/archive a Revenue Category


Revenue Categories can be attached to Menu Items. These categories help you report on revenue by type.

  • They also help to display the right menu items in the right section of your Documents, automatically.

  • You can always add Revenue Categories later and edit a Menu Item’s Revenue Category at any time.

Five Revenue Groups are pre-built into your database.

  • Food

  • Beverage

  • AV

  • Miscellaneous

  • Room Rentals

You can then add Revenue Categories under these Groups to help further break them down and provide more granular reporting.

To add/edit/view Revenue Categories:

  1. Click on Settings -> Fields -> Setup Values

  2. To Edit, hover the Revenue Categories with your mouse and a pencil icon appears on the right-hand side of the screen

  3. Press the Pencil Icon

  4. OR for a New Revenue Category, click the Blue Button +New revenue Category

  5. Enter the Revenue Category Name

  6. Choose the Revenue Group from the pre-set options.

  7. Click Create

Your Revenue Category can now be assigned to Menu Items. This can be done manually, or by importing bulk Menu Items.

To delete/archive Revenue Categories:

You can delete or archive Revenue Categories by using the delete or archive button that appear when you hover over a Revenue Category.

Please note however if the Revenue Category is in use you will not be able to delete it, only archive it.

Only Admin users can add/edit Revenue Categories. If you are part of a multi-organization Chain, then only a Chain Admin has this permission.

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