Being able to designate the Booking Type when creating Bookings allows you to Report on them in the future. Booking Types are set up by the Organization Admin (Chain Admin if part of a Chain) within the settings. For more information on how to edit Booking Types please click here.
You can apply the Booking Type filter in the Booking List Report.
Go to Reports
Click on the Booking List
Click +Add Filter
Choose Booking Type
Choose one/multiple of the Booking Types you would like to Report on
Add in any other relevant filters (e.g. Booking Status or Booking Start Date)
Adjust the columns to show relevant information
Once you are happy with the Reports you can Export them to CSV/PDF or HTML
If you plan on using this Report regularly it is advised to 'Save View' for easy navigation next time you would like to use it.
Important! You can only accurately report on data if it has been filled in correctly. Users should ensure the correct information/fields are entered for each Booking to provide comprehensive data analysis.