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Booking List Report
Updated over 4 months ago

The Booking List Report can be used to see all your Bookings across Event Temple . By applying filters to the list, you can tell various stories about your Event Temple data.

The data in this report can be grouped by various parameters, including Referral Source, Account, Contact, and User to better organize your information.

Here are some examples:

New Bookings - By setting a filter for Inquiry Date > Last week, your team can see a list of all new Bookings that were created in Event Temple last week.

Definite Bookings with Groups - A report showing all Definite Blocked Room Revenue for a certain period (i.e. Next Month) can be fashioned by applying the following filters:

  • Booking Status > Definite

  • Has Group > Yes

  • Booking Start/End Date > Next Month

  • Then, set the following columns to "Columns in Use": Blocked Rooms & Blocked Guestroom Revenue

You can save these Report filters, and in doing so, include them as a custom report in the Reports Tab. In the image below, we have 2 custom reports saved.

Exporting to HTML or PDF will include a Revenue Summary of all Bookings in the filtered report, and Grouping (if selected). It's broken down by revenue category, taxes, fees and overall.

How to Use the Booking List Report

  1. Click on Reports in the left-side sidebar

  2. Click on Booking List

  3. Select Filters

  4. Group By Filter (if desired)

  5. Select the Columns you would like to make visible

  6. Save Report (Name the Report)

  7. Export As (CSV), HTML or PDF (if desired)

Important Considerations

The Booking List Report can display the Booking Status and the Pipeline Stage. Users should maintain the correct Status, Revenue, and Stage for each Booking, Group, and Event for comprehensive data analysis in this report.

The Revenue specified per Booking is Tax Inclusive, when exporting the Report to HTML or PDF you can 'include a summary' at the bottom, which will break down the Subtotals (exclusive of taxes and fees).

When using Start Time/End Time columns, these will only show the time if there is time specified. If you're Booking is "All Day" these columns will be blank.

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