It's possible to create custom reports by manipulating your data tables to give you the information you wish to see:
Private & Shared Views
Private views are only visible to the user who created them. If shared with Everyone, it can be viewed by anyone in the entire chain, or in the Organization/s chosen.
The owner of the view can edit that view. Other people can pin that view but they won't be able to modify it.
Additional Information
By default, a new shared view will not automatically be pinned by all users. Each user can select which Views to Pin as described above.
Chain Administrators have permission to delete any view in the system, regardless of the owner. Admins of Single Property Organizations have permission to delete any view in the system.
Read-only users cannot save views.
The video below will walk you through the ins and outs of Filtering your data, manipulating your Columns, and saving your Views: