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Menus, Sub-Menus & Menu Items

Menu Items should be pre-built to be easily used on Bookings. Learn how to add & manage them in this article

Updated over 5 months ago

Adding Menu Items into Event Temple allows users to select them easily on a Booking or Event. If Menu Items are not pre-built & managed, users will have to manually add them each time, which can be extremely time-consuming.

Menus are the overarching entity that holds your Menu Items to easily manage them. Examples of a Menu include: Food, Beverage & AV, or Winter 2024, Weddings.

Within Menus, there is the option to add Sub-Menus to easier categorize & manage Menu Items. Sub-Menu examples are wine, beer, non-alcoholic beverages

Within Menus & Sub-Menus are Menu Items. Menu Items are any Revenue Generating Items that you provide. (Some examples are: Scrambled Eggs, Beer, LCD Screen) Menu Items are broken down into two different types:

  1. Individual Menu Items

  2. Choice Group Menu Items

Using a spreadsheet will give you the ability to import Sub-Menus & Single Menu Items, rather than adding them one by one.

How to Manage Menus

Add a Menu

  1. Click Settings

  2. Click Organization

  3. Click Menus

  4. Click + New Menu

  5. Add Menu Name & (optional) description

  6. Click Save

    Edit a Menu Name

    From within the Menu, click on the Edit Pencil to override it

    Delete a Menu

    From the Menu Main Page, click the trash icon.

    Note: If you have Menu Items within a Menu, it cannot be deleted. You must move any Menu Items to another Menu first (see below, managing Menu Items).

How to Manage Sub-Menus

Add a Sub-Menu

  1. Click Settings

  2. Click Organization

  3. Click Menus

  4. Click on the number underneath the Sub Menus Column that corresponds to the Menu

  5. Click +Add Sub-Menu & (optional) description

  6. Click Save

Note: Repeat steps 5 & 6 for as many Sub-Menus Required - you can always add more later, too! Modify, delete & add more Sub-Menus by following the same steps

How to Manage Menu Items

Add a Menu Item

  1. Click Settings

  2. Click Organization

  3. Click Menus

  4. Click on the Menu

  5. Click +Menu Item

  6. Select the Sub-Menu (if applicable)

  7. Select the Menu Item Type

  8. Add the Menu Item Details (see below)

  9. Click Save

When adding or editing a Menu Item, there are the following fields to fill in:

Menu - This defaults to the Menu the Item is being added/edited in. By clicking on the dropdown box, this can be edited if needed.

Sub-Menu - Select the relevant sub-menu if applicable.

Type - Choose what type of Menu Item to add. Note: due to the large differences in Menu Item Types, this cannot be edited once the Menu Item is Saved. If the wrong type is saved, a brand new Menu Item will need to be created.

Name - Enter the name of the Menu Item. This information is guest-facing

Description - Enter the description of the Menu Item. This information is guest-facing

Price - Enter the price of the Menu Item. Note: if you are using Tax Inclusive Pricing, an option will appear for Tax-inclusive price

Taxes - Select any applicable Taxes and/or Service Fee Taxes.

Revenue Category - Select the relevant Revenue Category for this item. Consult your finance controller if you are unsure which one to select.

For detailed information on Choice Group Menu Items click here

Menu Item Actions

Using the Action Button (down arrow) on the right-hand side, you can choose additional actions.

Edit - make changes to the existing Menu Item

Clone - make a copy of the Menu Item

Archive- When Menu Items are no longer in use, they can be archived so they are hidden from being used on any future Bookings/Events

By default, Archived Menu Items will also be hidden from the Menu Item list. Using the "Include Archived" filter, this can be adjusted as needed.

Delete - remove the menu item entirely

How to Import Sub-Menus & Menu Items

Build a Menu

An alternative way to build a Menu is to add the information in a CSV spreadsheet and then import it into Event Temple.

Note: There must be a different spreadsheet for each Menu.

1. Create a spreadsheet for each Menu. Each spreadsheet should have the following columns with the relevant information entered for each Item. See this article for further details on importing requirements.

2. Enter the Menu Item data into the spreadsheets

3. Import each spreadsheet

  1. Click Settings

  2. Click Tools

  3. Click Import

  4. Click +New Import

  5. Click Menu Items Import

  6. Select an existing Menu To Import Your Menu Items Under

  7. Decide How you want to deal with duplicate records

  8. Attach the spreadsheet with your Menu Items

  9. Select the matched Event Temple Field to your spreadsheet Fields

  10. Select Start Import

The Menu Items are now imported!

Menu Item Batch Actions

Each Menu Item has a checkbox next to it which allows users to perform the same action on multiple items at the same time:

Once a checkbox/s is selected, the following batch action tasks are available:

  • Change Revenue Category

  • Change Menu or Sub-Menu

  • Change Taxes

  • Archive

  • Unarchive

  • Delete

Important Considerations about Menus & Menu Items

  • Changes made to Menu Items will not affect previously used Menu Items. The changes will only affect any time it's used moving forward. This is the same for deleting or archiving a Menu Item, it'll remain as it was on the Booking/Invoice, but will no longer be available to use in the future.

  • Only those with Admin Permission can manage the Menus in Settings.


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