An alternative way to build a Menu is to add the information in a CSV spreadsheet and then import it into Event Temple.
Note: There must be a different spreadsheet for each Menu.
You must create the Menu's and sub-Menus in Event Temple before you can import the spreadsheet.
1. Create a spreadsheet for each Menu. Each spreadsheet should have the following columns with the relevant information entered for each Item. See this article for further details on importing requirements.
2. Enter the Menu Item data into the spreadsheets
3. Import each spreadsheet
Click Settings
Click Tools
Click Import
Click +New Import
Click Menu Items Import
Select an existing Menu To Import Your Menu Items Under
Decide How you want to deal with duplicate records
Attach the spreadsheet with your Menu Items
Select the matched Event Temple Field to your spreadsheet Fields
Select Start Import
The Menu Items are now imported!
Choice Group Menu Items cannot be imported. We recommend importing the basics of the item (name, description, price) and then manually adding the options after import.