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Managing Users & Roles

Learn how to add, manage & remove Users

Updated over 2 months ago

User Roles

Event Temple offers four system user roles that offer varying levels of access.
โ€‹Read Only

This role is great for team members who may need to see space availability, BEO's or financial reports, but don't require day-to-day access to manage Bookings.

Read Only users can see all Bookings & their components but cannot edit any of them. They can use filters while viewing lists, but cannot save any Custom Views.

They will be able to view an email conversation thread on a Booking, but will not have access to the 'Mail' page (usually accessed from the sidebar).


Can see and manage all the Bookings in the system but can't manage account-wide settings in the Settings area.


Can see all the Bookings in the system and can manage everything in the Settings area.

In the old Sales and Catering systems of the past 20 years, if you wanted to add or remove a user, youโ€™d have to contact their customer support team. With Event Temple, Admin users can add and remove Users, as well as change their permissions down to the property level.

Chain Admin

If a user has Chain Admin selected, they will have full access to the Chain Dashboard, including the ability to add users, customize fields and more.

If you are part of a Chain, you will need Chain Admin Permissions in order to create and edit Intake Forms.

How to Add a User

The new user will receive credentials in an email to the address you enter, which will include a randomly generated password.

  1. Click Settings

  2. Under Organization, Click Users & Roles

  3. Click + New User

  4. Input the Users details

    1. First Name (required)

    2. Last Name (required)

    3. Email (required - this is used to log in)

    4. Job Title

    5. Phone Number

    6. Mobile Number

  5. Click Next

  6. Click Edit & Assign a User Role

  7. Click Apply

  8. Click Create

Email providers can occasionally block these emails as spam, since they are automated. Sometimes it goes directly into your spam/junk folder, however other times it's blocked altogether.

If the new user is having trouble receiving the email, add to the safe sender list (white list) in your email settings. This is a list of all email addresses you would like to receive email from. Once you've done this, have them perform a password reset.

If they still aren't receiving emails, please contact our friendly support team who will be happy to assist.

The information entered for the user can be used within Event Temple in Email & Document Templates, using merge fields.

How to Modify a User

Modify your own Account

A user can update the following fields themselves at any time through their User Profile:

  • First & Last Name

  • Email

  • Phone Number

  • Mobile Number

  • Profile Logo

  • Password

To modify your profile:

  1. Click your name at the top right side

  2. Click your name again

  3. Make the changes

  4. Click Save

Modify Another Users Account

An Admin User can update information on the User's behalf, change their role & which Organization/s of the chain they belong to.

  1. Click Settings

  2. Click Users & Roles

  3. Hover over the Users Name & Click the pencil icon

  4. Click Edit

  5. Update the required information

  6. Click Submit

Admin Users can not reset/update the password of other Users.

How to Deactivate or Delete a User

Users that are no longer with your company should be deactivated or deleted. It will stop their access from the moment you make the change.

  1. Click Settings

  2. Click Users & Roles


This will revoke the user access to the site immediately but keep all the data associated with them. You will be presented with a pop-up to confirm the change.

Deactivated Users can be re-activated at a later time.

When Users are Deactivated, any Email connections for the Deactivated Users are disconnected. If the Deactivated User is the Assignee of a Booking with Workflow Emails, the Emails will not send until the Assignee is updated.


Once a user is deleted, they will no longer exist in the system & there is no way to retrieve them.

You will be asked to confirm your action. If you proceed you'll be asked to assign the records/data of the user to another user. You will also receive a warning regarding the permanence of this action.

Adding & Managing Users Across a Chain

A Chain Admin can manage Users across all Organizations within the Chain Dashboard. From here it is possible to add a new user, or modify an existing user - including changing their Organization Access & giving them Chain Admin privileges.

Add a New User

  1. Click Settings

  2. Select Multi-Organization from the dropdown at the top of the page

  3. Click Users & Roles

  4. Click + New User

  5. Input the Users details

    1. First Name (required)

    2. Last Name (required)

    3. Email (required - this is used to log in)

    4. Job Title

    5. Phone Number

    6. Mobile Number

  6. Click Next

  7. Optional: check the box for Chain Admin (This will give the user permissions that impact all Organizations within the Chain)

  8. Click + Add Organization & select the Organization & Role

  9. Click Apply

  10. Optional: repeat steps 9 & 10 for additional Organizations.

Add an Existing User to a New Organization

  1. Click Settings

  2. Select Multi-Organization from the dropdown at the top of the page

  3. Click Users & Roles

  4. Hover over the user & Click Edit

  5. Click Add Organization

  6. Select the Organization & Role

  7. Click Apply

Remove or Delete a User

Removing a User from an Organization cannot be undone. If you choose to remove a user from an Organization, you'll need to re-assign anything that was associated with them to another User.

For Users who are part of a Chain, remove each Organization first. When there is only one Organization remaining, you'll be able to Delete the User.

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