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Activity List
Updated over 3 months ago

The report shows a list of activities in the system. The Activity List Report displays the Create At date, activity type, contact, account, and booking activities.

Use the report to view activities for a specific account or contact.

Rearrange the reporting filters to view the activities based on the individual options.

How to Use the Activity List Report

  1. Click on Report in the side navigation

  2. Click on Activity List

  3. Select Filters

  4. Remove or add Columns

  5. Click Save Report

  6. Enter Report Name

  7. Click Save

  8. Click Export As (CSV, HTML or PDF)

Important Considerations

The Activity List Report does not offer a total summary of activities completed in the system.

Reference the Task List report or the Task Productivity report to view the goal-related activity total summary.

The activity list is not an audit log, and therefore does not feature all changes within Event Temple.

The Activity List will only show Emails sent from Event Temple. If the email was sent from another source, it will not show in the Activity List, regardless of whether the email syncs back to Event Temple.

Additional Information

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