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Choice Menu Items & Bookings
Updated over a week ago

When a Choice Menu Item is added to a Booking, it's possible to make changes to it if needed.

A Choice Menu Item can be added to a Booking without any selections being made, the choices can be made at a later time.

Add a Choice Menu Item To a Booking

  1. Locate the Booking

  2. Click the Menu Items sub-tab

  3. Click Add Item

  4. Select the relevant Menu Item

  5. Make the relevant Choices (if applicable)

  6. Click Save

Modify a Choice Menu Item

The Choice Group Option, quantity & price of a Choice Menu Item can be edited by clicking directly on those values from the Menu Items sub-tab.

Alternatively you can edit the Choice Menu Item to make further changes.

  1. Locate the Booking

  2. Click the Menu Items sub-tab

  3. Click the edit icon for the relevant Menu Item

  4. Make the relevant edits

  5. Click Save

Choice Menu Item + Bundle Example

In the below example, a Bundle has been added using four Choice Menu Items.

The price has been determined by the protein, with the other Choice Menu Items base price being $0.

Within each Choice Menu Item, premium prices will be added for Choice Group Options or if they exceed the choices - if the Choice Menu Item was added in this way.

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