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Is There a Report That Can Tell me the Amount of each Event Types we Had For a Time Period?
Is There a Report That Can Tell me the Amount of each Event Types we Had For a Time Period?
Updated over 2 months ago

Related Questions:

  • Is there a report that can tell me the percentage of event types we had for the year?

  • How do I find out how many different Event Types we had in the year?

  • How do I report on the different types of events we hold?


You can Report on Event Type over a certain period using the Event List Report.

  1. Click the Reports Tab on the left-hand side.

  2. Click Event List Report

  3. Add any filtersyou would like, e.g. Booking Status; definite and date range.

  4. Adjust the Columns using the Column button in the top right and ensure Event Type is chosen, (along with any other fields you would like to report on)

  5. Optional: Export as a PDF, HTML or to a CSV

  6. Optional: Save View if this is a Report you will be using frequently.

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