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How Can I Backup my Data?

Export data - Download a record of data from Event Temple - Export backup data for an organization

Updated this week

At Event Temple we perform a secure whole-database backup daily. You can also export your own information as a CSV file to act as a personal backup. This can be done in the following side tabs of ET by following the same steps.

  • Contacts

  • Accounts

  • Bookings

  • Events

  • Groups

  • Tasks

To download this information:

  1. Choose from the Side Tab the section you would like to gather the information from. E.g. Contacts

  2. Remove any filters (unless you want to exclude certain information)

  3. Click Export As> CSV

  4. Choose to Export All Columns to download all the information and click OK

  5. Repeat in any Tabs you would like to back up.

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