Related Questions:
How can I take my contacts from Event Temple?
Export Bookings from Event Temple
Export Contacts from Event Temple
Export Events from Event Temple
Export Tasks from Event Temple
Export Invoices from Event Temple
Export Accounts from Event Temple
Export Groups from Event Temple
Create a CSV I can filter
Create a spreadsheet to learn from my data
These are the steps to filter all your data from a specific tab. If you wish to filter your data before exporting, you can do so by following the steps outlined here.
Access the tab you wish to export from the left-side of Event Temple (Bookings, Contacts, Events, etc)
Remove any Filters to ensure all data is listed
Select the Export As drop-down at the top right side of your data table
Select the desired format
Select Export All Columns
Click OK
All exporting in Event Temple follows the same simple process. In the example below I'm exporting my bookings from the Pipeline view.
Additional Information
Most often you'll have 3 options CSV, HTML and PDF (some reports cannot be exported as CSV due to format).
HTML and PDF work well for view-only options but if you wish to manipulate the data at all, CSV will allow you to view your data in a spreadsheet.