When viewing your Calendar in Event Temple you will notice that the Calendar blocks are sometimes different colors. These colors are given to Bookings that have Events that are associated with Spaces and the color you are seeing is the color chosen for that Space.
Bookings that have Groups, Bookings that have Events without Spaces, and Bookings with neither will all show up in the same color blue. To better differentiate these you have a few options:
Using the Checkboxes
Using the Checkboxes
At the top of your Calendar page there are three checkboxes for "Bookings", "Events", and "Groups".
Selecting one of these options will only show you the data for that selection.
Selecting more than one of these options will show you data for whichever selections you made and it will prepend letters to the Booking/Event/Group name corresponding to the appropriate selections (Booking-BK, Events-EV, Group-GR)
This will allow you to differentiate between the different Calendar blocks being shown
Using the Pipeline filter
Using the Pipeline filter
Another method of determining what data is shown on your Calendar so that you can differentiate between your Bookings is to filter it by Pipeline. This will only work if you have multiple Pipelines and are using them to organize your different Bookings.
You can access the Pipeline filter by clicking the "Filter" button at the top of the Calendar page and selection a Pipeline from the dropdown that appears.