Event Temple can import these main types of data.
Room Blocks
Event line items (Invoice Item Import)
Menu Items
All data must be in .csv format. If the quality of the data is not sufficient, the import will not be high quality. Based on the data provided, it may not be able to import all data.
Some manual data-entry work from your team will generally be required when switching between systems but we will do our absolute best to help you reduce it to a minimum.
Field Types
Field types show what value or format in which the data can be imported. For each import field, the Field type is listed next to it.
Field Type | Acceptable Values or Formats |
Date | 2020-08-13, 2020/08/13, 13 Aug 2020 |
Time | 6 pm, 18:00, 2020-08-12 18:00:00 |
DateTime | 2020-08-12 18:00:00, August 13, 2020 18:00 |
Text (Short) | Texts with up to 256 characters |
Text (Long) | Texts with any number of characters |
Association | Needs to be an existing object in Event Temple. E.g. Space, Referral Source, or Market Segment |
Currency | 10, 10.25 |
Checkbox | yes, no |
Integer | A full number, eg. 10 |
Decimal | 10.1 |
Import Types
The below tables explain specific Event Temple fields that can be imported for each import type. It is split up into 4 columns:
Field Title - The name of the field the data belongs to
Field Type - Data must be formatted based on the noted field type. If it is not formatted correctly, additional charges may apply.
Required - Whether this information is needed for import. If the required fields noted below are not provided on your spreadsheet, it may not be possible to import the data provided.
Note - a brief explanation of any important information or considerations regarding the field
When importing data it is recommended to include/generate External ID's for all data. This will allow you to link the different types of data with ease.
Field Title | Field Type | Required | Notes |
Account External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the Account. Duplicate record checks for Account importer first uses External ID (if it’s provided), and then falls back to Account Name. |
Account Name | Text (Short) | Yes | Used for duplicate Account checks if no Account External ID is provided |
Account Email | Text (Short) - Must be valid email format |
Account Website | Text (Short) |
Account Phone Number | Text (Short) |
Account Fax | Text (Short) |
Account Owner Email | Text (Short) - Must be valid email format |
| If provided, this column is used to link to an Event Temple user with the same email |
Account Type | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to an Account Type in Event Temple with the same name. |
Market Segment | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a Market Segment in Event Temple with the same name. |
Referral Source | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a Referral Source in Event Temple with the same name. |
Account ID / IATA | Text (Short) |
| This cannot be used as an External ID when importing. It is for internal use only. |
Is Travel Agent | Yes/No |
| Should be either 'yes' or 'no' |
Parent Account External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the parent account associated with the record. If provided, this column is used to link to an account with the same external id. Parent accounts should be imported with their external IDs before child accounts. |
Street 1 | Text (Short) |
Street 2 | Text (Short) |
City | Text (Short) |
State | Text (Short) |
Country | Text (Short) |
Zip code | Text (Short) |
Contact External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the Contact associated with the Account. If provided, this column is used to link to a contact with the same External ID |
Contact Email | Text (Short) - Must be valid email format |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a Contact with the same email (if Contact External ID wasn't provided). |
Contact First Name | Text (Short) |
Contact Last Name | Text (Short) |
Contact Phone Number | Text (Short) |
Field Title | Field Type | Required | Notes |
Contact External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the Contact. Duplicate Contact checks for Contact importer first uses External ID (if it’s provided), and then falls back to Contact email |
Text (Short) - Must be valid email format | Yes | Used for duplicate Contact checks if no Contact External ID is provided | |
First Name | Text (Short) | Yes |
Last Name | Text (Short) | Yes |
Phone Number | Text (Short) |
Job Title | Text (Short) |
Street 1 | Text (Short) |
Street 2 | Text (Short) |
City | Text (Short) |
State | Text (Short) |
Country | Text (Short) |
Zipcode | Text (Short) |
Account External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the account associated with the Contact. If provided, this column is used to link to an Account with the same External ID |
Account Name | Text (Short) |
| If provided, this column is used to link to an Account with the same name (if Account External ID wasn't provided) |
Field Title | Field Type | Required | Notes |
Booking External Id | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the booking. |
Booking Name | Text (Short) | Yes |
Booking Status | Text (Short) | Yes | Should be one of the following (case sensitive) values:
Booking Start Date | Date |
Booking End Date | Date |
Booking Start Time | Time |
Booking End Time | Time |
Inquiry Time | DateTime |
Deal Value | Currency |
Booking Type | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a Booking Type in Event Temple with the same name. |
Referral Source | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to an Referral Source in Event Temple with the same name. |
Pipeline Name | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a Pipeline with the same value. |
Pipeline Stage | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a Pipeline Stage with the same value (case sensitive). If not provided, you can select which Pipeline & stage all Bookings will be imported to. |
is_group | Is Group | String | ‘yes’ or ‘no’ |
group_code | Group Code | String | Only used if is_group is ‘yes’ |
User Email | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to an Event Temple user with the same email as the Booking Assignee |
Contact External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the contact associated with the Booking. If provided, this column is used to link to a contact with the same External ID. |
Contact Email | Text (Short) - Must be valid email format |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a Contact with the same email (if Contact ID wasn't provided) |
Contact First Name | Text (Short) |
Contact Last Name | Text (Short) |
Contact Phone Number | Text (Short) |
Account External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the Account associated with the Booking. If provided, this column is used to link to an Account with the same External ID. |
Account Name | Text (Short) |
| If provided, this column is used to link to an Account with the same name (if Account External ID wasn't provided). |
Field Title | Field Type | Required | Notes |
Event External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the event. |
Booking External ID | Text (Short) | Yes | Unique ID of the booking that the record belongs to. This column is used to link to a booking with the same external id. |
Event Name | Text (Short) | Yes |
Event Status | Text (Short) | Yes | Should be one of the following (case sensitive) values:
Start Date | Date | Yes |
End Date | Date | Yes |
Start Time | Time |
End Time | Time |
Expected Attendees | Integer |
Guaranteed Attendees | Integer |
Space | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a space with the same value. |
Event Type | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a event type with the same value. |
Setup Style | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a setup style with the same value. |
Notes | Text (Long) |
Event Line Items (Invoice Item Import)
This will import line items into the previously imported Events
Field Title | Field Type | Required | Notes |
External ID | Text (Short) | Yes | Unique ID of the item. |
Item Name | Text (Short) |
Item Description | Text (Long) |
Serving Time | DateTime |
Quantity | Decimal |
Price | Decimal |
Tax Included Price | Decimal |
Taxes | Text (Short) |
| List of taxes separated by ';' |
Revenue Category | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a revenue category with the same value. |
Event External ID | Text (Short) | Yes | Unique ID of the event that the record belongs to. This column is used to link to an event with the same external id. |
Room Block
Field Title | Field Type | Required | Notes |
External ID | Text (Short) | Yes | Unique ID of the item. |
Date | Date | Yes | Spreadsheet must be sorted in date order, oldest to newest in order to import correctly |
Single Blocked | Integer | Yes |
Double Blocked | Integer |
Triple Blocked | Integer |
Quadruple Blocked | Integer |
Single Pickup | Integer |
Double Pickup | Integer |
Triple Pickup | Integer |
Quadruple Pickup | Integer |
Rate (Single) | Decimal | Yes |
Rate (Double) | Decimal |
Rate (Triple) | Decimal |
Rate (Quadruple) | Decimal |
Room Type | Association | Yes | Used to link to a room type with the same value. |
Booking External ID | Text (Short) | Yes | Unique ID of the booking that the record belongs to. This column is used to link to a booking with the same external id. |
Field Title | Field Type | Required | Notes |
Task External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the task. |
Task Name | Text (Short) | Yes |
Task Description | Text (Long) |
Task Due Date | DateTime |
Task Completed at | DateTime |
Task Result | Text (Long) |
Task Type | Association |
Assignee Email | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a user with the same email. |
Contact External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the contact associated with the record. If provided, this column is used to link to a contact with the same external id. |
Contact Email | Text (Short) - Must be valid email format |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a contact with the same email. |
Account External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the account associated with the record. If provided, this column is used to link to an account with the same external id. |
Account Name | Text (Short) |
| If provided, this column is used to link to an account with the same name. |
Booking External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the booking that the record belongs to. This column is used to link to a booking with the same external id. |
Menu Items
Menus & Submenus must be created prior to import
Field Title | Field Type | Required | Notes |
Item Name | Text (Short) | Yes |
Item Price | Currency | Yes |
Item Description | Text (Long) |
Sub Menu | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a sub menu with the same value. |
Revenue Category | Association |
| If provided, this column is used to link to a revenue category with the same value. |
External ID | Text (Short) |
| Unique ID of the menu item. |
Tax | Text (Short) |
| List of taxes separated by ';'. If tax does not exist, it will return an error. |
Important Considerations when Importing
If importing Contacts linked to an Account, the Accounts must be imported or added into first. If no corresponding Account is found in Event Temple, the Contact will be skipped.
The order of Importing should be Accounts, Contacts, Bookings, Events. This will ensure you're able to link an Account to a Contact / Contact & Account to Booking etc.
Setting is_group as 'yes' on a Booking import creates a Group under the Booking with the following values:
Group Name = Booking Name
Arrival Date = Booking Start Date
Departure Date = Booking End Date
Group Status = Booking Status
Menu Items
Only the tax-exclusive price can be imported in the price column. If your price includes taxes you will need to calculate the price without taxes and import that with the appropriate taxes entered into the tax column.
Choice Group Menu Items cannot be imported.
Custom Field Mapping
When importing, you may find that some of your columns do not map to Event Temple because those fields simply do not exist in our system. You can solve this by creating custom fields in Event Temple, then selecting them in our importer to match columns in your spreadsheet.
Import Spreadsheet Temples
Click here to see some basic import examples
Additional Information