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Image Document Element
Updated over a week ago

How the Image Document Element applies to you

Image allows you to insert an image file (ie logos, floor plans, property photos) to your Documents. You can add multiple images by adding multiple Image elements to your Document.

There are three sources you can select from

  1. Uploaded file - An image file that has previously been uploaded into Event Temple via Files

  2. Organization Logo - the image that has previously added in Organization Settings for your Organization's logo

  3. Upload an Image - an image from your computer hard drive you'd like to upload into the Document

How to use the Image Document Element

  1. Click & Drag the Image Document Element into your Document

  2. Click on edit to select your image.

  3. Select which image you'd like to insert

  4. Optional - customize padding, width (size) and allignment

  5. Click Apply

Training Video

Additional information

There is a 2MB limit per image

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