Intake Forms

Add Forms to websites or social media and receive Bookings directly in Event Temple

Updated over a week ago

When your potential customers visit your website, we want to make it easy for them to inquire with you. Since 78% of sales go to the first responder, we want to put those inquiries right in front of the hotel’s sales team as quickly as possible. To do that, we use Intake Forms.

You can embed the Intake Form on your website, share the unique URL on social media, or create a QR code for guests to scan & fill in!

Anyone who submits the form will be automatically created as a Contact & Booking in Event Temple.

How to Add an Intake Form

  1. On the left-hand side bar Click on Settings

  2. Click on Tools

  3. Click on Intake Forms

  4. Click Add New Form

  5. Enter the Form Name & click Create

  6. When you are done editing and styling your form, click Save.

  7. Embed the form on your website.

How to Customize an Intake form

Fields Tab

On the left are the fields you're working with, and on the right is a preview of your Intake Form.

  • Change the order of elements by clicking & dragging the three-lined 'menu' icon on the left of the element

  • Edit or delete an existing Element by clicking the Edit or Trash icon on the right of the element

  • Add additional elements by clicking Add Element. An element can be a Header or an Input Field

  • Edit the text that appears in your "submit" button

  • If adding an Account Comment field, an Account Name must also be entered.

Field Elements

Header- allows you to add text which can be used as a title (or multiple titles) to your intake form

Input Field - Intake Form Input Fields relate to the various areas in Event Temple (Booking, Contact & Account). Select a system field or Custom Field. For custom fields to be listed, they must be added under the custom field "Booking" category for it to be to a Booking, or "Contact" if it should be linked to a Contact's profile or "Account" to link to an Account.

Label - This is what the guest will see. Rename this if needed (eg change the language). This can be changed at any time by editing the element.

Required - Select whether it is compulsory to enter information in this field. This can be changed at any time by editing the element.

Submit Setting Tab

  1. Show thank you message after form submit

    Add a thank you message that prospects will see after they submit the form or have the form redirect to another webpage after submitting it (especially useful if using UTM Source Tracking. If you choose the second option prospects will not see your Thank You Message but instead the new webpage you are redirecting them to.

    Booking Stage - This is the pipeline and stage of the pipeline the inquiry will be assigned to once they have submitted the form

    User - This is the staff member on your team who will be notified when someone fills out this form. The sales inquiry will also be assigned to this person

    Notifications - any emails entered here will receive a notification each time the form is submitted.

2. Redirect to external Url after form submit

Redirect Url - A Url to redirect to after form submission.

Include name and email as query params on redirect URL - Uncheck if you do not want the name and email query params to be in the URL

Booking Stage - This is the pipeline and stage of the pipeline the inquiry will be assigned to once they have submitted the form

User - This is the staff member on your team who will be notified when someone fills out this form. The sales inquiry will also be assigned to this person

Notifications - any emails entered here will receive a notification each time the form is submitted.

Styling Tab

The Styling tab allows you to customize the visual settings. This is how the form will look when it’s on your webpage.

  • Background color: The background color of the form

  • Text color: The color of the text on the form

  • Background opacity: How strong the background color is (You can also make the background transparent if you’d like.)

  • Submit button color: The color of the button on the form

  • You can also choose to make the form one column, or two

How to Share an Intake Form

Once an Intake Form has been customized, it can be embedded in a website or be shared elsewhere. This is usually done by the property web developer or IT person.

Embed an Intake Form

  1. Change the height of the form under iframe height

  2. Click 'Copy to Clipboard on the relevant option/s: Iframe, Pop up window, Link

  3. Paste the information into an email / Document for the web developer.

  4. Optional: Share UTM Source Tracking - this collects & sends additional data for programs such as Google analytics.

Share the Intake Form URL directly with guests via email, or other third parties.

  1. Click Preview

  2. Copy the URL from the pop-up

  3. Share the URL with a guest via email, messenger etc.

Important Considerations about Intake Forms

Once the form is embedded on a website, changes can be made to the form inside of Event Temple and the form will automatically update on the website or anywhere else it has been shared. There is no need to re-embed the form or re-add it anywhere.

If an Intake Form is disabled, make sure it is removed from any websites, social media etc. If someone attempts to out the form they will receive an error that says "Form is Disabled."

If using 'Account' fields, ensure an Account name field is added too. If you add various Account fields without the Account name field, the guest will not be able to submit the intake form. If the Account name used exists in Event Temple, the Booking will be associated to that Account.

UTM Source Tracking: From a high level, our UTM feature allows you to track users from intake to Event Temple (even if the Intake Form isn’t completed). We only provide a way to connect the Intake Form on EventTemple to your Google Analytics. The data collected could be used in a variety of ways: by looking at the link referrer you can see how people are accessing the lead intake form (from your website, from email, from Google, etc.), or by looking at the number of visits and comparing to the number of submissions you can infer whether your intake form is too long/complicated. Like any other analytics data, it is just a piece of the puzzle!

If a return guest fills in the form with the same email as a Contact in ET, the Booking will be associated with that Contact (no duplicate Contacts - hooray!).

If a guest is using the same email address, the new Booking will link to their existing profile, however, any Contact fields within their profile will not update. This is a security factor to stop any malicious users from potentially overriding existing Contacts information.

Embedded vs. Standalone

  • Embedded places the form on your website directly so it can match the appearance of your site.

  • Standalone means the Form will appear as a pop-up and the styling it dictated by the options in Event Temple. When you set the form to Standalone, more Styling options appear.


If you are part of a Chain, you will need Chain Admin Permissions in order to create and edit Intake Forms.

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