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Scheduled Payments Report
Updated over 11 months ago

This report allows you to track all payments that have been scheduled using the payment schedule feature - including Payments due as well as received, all in one place!

How to Use the Scheduled Payment Report

To access the report:

  1. Click on Invoices on the left-hand sidebar

  2. Select Scheduled Payments from the dropdown

Like many of the reports in Event Temple, this report allows you to apply filters and customize the columns that you are viewing. You can also save your views after creating them. Based on the filtering parameters that you have set, it will show you a list of all scheduled payments.

Some of the important filters for this particular report are:

  1. Due Date - This will tell you when the specific payment is expected to be collected. When this filter is applied, only payments due within that timeframe will appear.

  2. Invoice Issue Date - This will specifically show payments that have been scheduled whenever an Invoice has been issued within this timeframe.

  3. Paid - When this filter is applied, only scheduled payments that have been paid in full will show up. (Note: If only a partial total was collected for the scheduled payment, it will not appear.)

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