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Taxes & Fees

Learn how taxes & fees work in Event Temple

Updated over 6 months ago

A Tax is a traditional Tax, such as GST, State Tax or Sales Tax. A Fee will often be Organization specific, such as gratuity. Taxes & Fees can be added as a percentage.

Fee: These are charges added before taxes to the total cost of an item

Tax: These taxes are applied to the original cost of an item & can also include the Fee (depending on your requirements)

Once Taxes & Fees have been added, they can then be used on Menu Items. Multiple Taxes & Fees can be added to a Menu Item. Tax & Fee amounts automatically calculate on the assigned Menu Items. These amounts will feed through to Documents & Invoices.

It's important that Admin users ensure Taxes & Fees are correctly set up & assigned to relevant Menu Items prior to using the system.

Our team is happy to answer any setup questions as needed, but Tax/Fee specific questions are best directed towards the financial controller of your business.

How to Add a Tax

  1. Click Settings

  2. Under Organization, click Taxes and Fees

  3. Click +New Tax or Fee

  4. Select Tax

  5. Enter the Name

  6. Enter the Rate

  7. Optional Select whether this tax should be applied to Guestrooms*

  8. Optional Select This tax is Service Fees Exempt (see below for more)

  9. Click Save

This tax is Fees Exempt - Not Selected

If the Tax & Fee is applied to an item, The Fee is included in tax calculation

This tax is Fees Exempt - Selected

If the Tax & Fee is applied to an item, The Fee is NOT included in tax calculation

*Adding a tax to a guestroom means when invoicing a Group, the tax will automatically be applied πŸŽ‰

How to Add a Fee

  1. Click Settings

  2. Click Organization

  3. Click Taxes and Fees

  4. Click +New Tax or Fee

  5. Select Fee

  6. Enter the Name

  7. Enter the Rate

  8. Click Save

How to Modify a Tax or Fee

Modifying Taxes or Fees can have large ramifications for your Organization, therefore we do not allow certain changes directly within Event Temple.

If you have not used the Tax or Fee in question, we recommend you simply delete & then start again by adding a New Tax.

If you have used a Tax or Fee on Menu Items, the following restrictions apply:

Tax Edits Available

  • Tax Name

  • Tax Rate - For Organizations who not using tax-inclusive pricing. If you are using tax-inclusive pricing, please request a tax change.

  1. Click Settings

  2. Under Organization, Click Taxes & Fees

  3. Click on the Edit button

  4. Enter the required update

  5. Click Save

πŸ‘‹ Important to Note: If you are updating the tax amount, this change will be reflected on Menu Items in your Settings Only.

Menu Items added to your Bookings, Events or Invoices after a tax has been edited will reflect the change. Any Menu Items that existed before editing the tax, will remain unchanged.

Please contact our Support Team if you would like to reflect this change on your existing Menu Items.

How to Request a Tax Change

When you reach out to our team, please include:

  • Name of your organization (exact name please!)

  • Name of the tax

  • The new rate

  • The effective date of the new rate

  • The date we should run this change!

If you have already created/edited a new tax with the new rate, just let us know the name of that new/existing tax

After we've received the request from your team we will double-check the details, and confirm with you exactly what will happen when we run the changeover. No surprises here!

What will happen

For the detail-oriented, here's exactly what will happen when we run the tax update:

#1 The old tax will be archived

  • The name will be changed to include the date it was archived

  • The name of this tax won't be changed on any of your existing invoices or documents

#2 A new tax will be created

  • It will look just like the old tax, except it will have the new rate you've given us

  • If you had already created a new tax and told us the name of it, we will use that one instead of creating a new one

#3 Menu Items in your Settings will be updated

  • Any menu items in your settings that were referencing the old tax will switch to the new tax

  • The item price will change based on your property's tax setting:

    • Tax-Inclusive Pricing: The tax-inclusive price will not change. The base price of the item will change to reflect the new tax rate

    • Tax-Exclusive Pricing: The base price will not change. The tax-inclusive price will increase/decrease depending on the new tax rate value

#4 Menu Items on your bookings will be updated

  • Bookings that start on or after the effective date will have their items updated

    • Bookings that start before the effective date but end after it will not be touched

  • Any menu items under the booking will be updated

    • Tax references will be replaced

    • Price will be adjusted based on your property's tax setting

πŸ‘‹ Important!

Any items on an invoice will NOT be updated. These items will need to be manually updated as needed.

If a Document is locked, it will NOT be updated. It will update any Documents that are a Draft.

If your property has a PMS integration configured:

  • The tax mappings will need to be redone in order to continue posting charges

  • Any items that have been posted to the PMS will NOT be updated. Items are locked once they have been posted to the PMS.

How to Archive or Delete A Tax

Taxes can be archived or deleted if no longer used. On the Taxes page, select the relevant Icon to archive or delete.

To view archived taxes, select the checkbox next to Show Archived. Archived or deleted Taxes will not appear in the list of Taxes when building Menu Items.

Note, if the tax or fee has been used, you will be unable to delete it.

Important Considerations

  • For Organizations that use Tax Inclusive Pricing, this can be enabled under Organization Settings.

  • A tax can apply to Menu Items + fees, or Menu Item only, but not exclusively to a fee.

  • Once a Tax is created, it cannot be changed to a Fee & vise versa. You will need to create a new Tax or Fee instead.

  • Out of Date Taxes

    If a used Tax has been archived, it will remain on any applicable Menu Items, and within any Bookings and/or Invoices. The Tax will be displayed with a red outline in Bookings & Invoices to notify the user the Menu Item may need to be updated.

    Note: The red outline is not present on customer-facing versions of Invoices.

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