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What are the Differences in User Roles?
Updated over 8 months ago

Related Questions:

  • What permissions does each user have?


Read Only

Users can see all Bookings & their components but cannot edit any of them. This role is great for team members that may need to see space availability, BEO's or financial reports, but don't require day-to-day access to manage Bookings.

Users can access filters and columns as well as shared custom lists/reports, but cannot save or override any custom views/reports. Reports can be exported by Read-Only Users.

Documents can be viewed, but not edited, regardless of the status. Documents can be downloaded/exported.

They can view an email conversation thread on a Booking, but will not have access to the 'Mail' page (usually accessed from the sidebar).

A Task can be assigned to a Read Only User, however as they don't have access to make updates in the system they cannot currently mark them as complete. This means that a regular or admin will need to mark them of on their behalf as needed.


Can see and manage all the Bookings and its components in the system but can't manage account-wide settings in the Settings area.


Can see all the Bookings in the system and can manage everything in the Settings area.

Chain Admins (multi-organizations only)

Have access to the Multi Organization area and have appropriate visibility for their assigned Organizations. Chain Admins can have different user roles per Organization and access will be based on each of the above user roles.

In their Multi Organization function, Chain Admins can access chain-wide settings. This includes:

  • Managing Fields (Custom Fields, Booking Types, Market Segments, etc.)

  • Adding users (including yourself) to any organization

  • Removing users from any organization

Important Considerations

  • If you are part of a Chain, you will need Chain Admin Permissions in order to create and edit Intake Forms.

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